Naya Basera - A Survival Short Film

This film is about a father and his two daughters who lost their home in a flood and forced to migrate to a new place in search of food & Shelter. This is a survival drama film Directed by me (Errix Gudfrid).

It's actually my debut directional short film. Yes, I have directed a few of my other projects but this is my first proper short film with professionally experienced casts.

In this film, I was the Director, Cinematographer, Sound Engineer as well the Editor. The lead actor (Nehal) also helped in finding the name, dialogues and the story as well. This film was made with very few cast & crew.

It was a zero budget film so you can say it was a passion project because everyone joined it to learn something and gain some experience as Filmmaker. And I must say both of the child actors did an astonishing job and really impressed us with their skills.

It's a story about the post incidents of Assam flood 2022 and we tried to show how life can be affected from a natural disaster and how people try to survive in that situation.

The Story takes a turn when both the kids begin to trouble the already disturbed father with their badly behaviour and starts irritating him everyday.

The father who is already stressed out, struggling to feed them, gets frustrated and mentally disturbed. He was just trying to get by with this situation and give a better life to his daughters.

His only wish was to build his home again and live with his daughters. He was helped by a man working in a brick factory to get a job and with whom he shares his story, he thought he was a friend. 

But not everybody who seems to be good would actually be good. The father when asks for his help with his kids, he tried his best to manipulate the father to get rid of the kids and sell them for money.

Watch what he does when he gets to know the truth about the person who he thought was a friend.

Watch the journey of Poverty, Responsibility and Survival of a father, and how he protect his daughters from this evil world.